Taking Off: The Launch of a New Website

Jul 21, 2023 | Latest News

The Cook Islands Statistics Office are starting their year off with a bang as they announce the official launch of their brand new website. Stats officials are pleased to cross one of the top projects of the year off their bucket list, reported Cook Islands Stats.

“This is a massive opportunity for our office. This provides our users with a smoother and easier experience when they navigate our website, which was our number one motivation for bringing this project to life.” a senior statistician reported.

“It gives us the ability to engage with our users more effectively, and because data is constantly in demand, we anticipate receiving more queries and attending to them in a timely manner. We understand that it is critical that we share the information we produce and make it available to our users as soon as possible.”

In accordance with 3 of the Irinaki’anga Mou (values) of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM) “Efficiency, Effectiveness and Service” the Cook Islands Statistics Office (CISO) strives to create easier ways for users to access the statistics that we produce. Given our desire to better serve our users, we believe that this is certainly one step in the right direction. Ultimately, this initiative is just one aspect of a larger effort for MFEM to improve its communications and better serve its users, as the Ministry also plans to launch a new website in the near future. Staying connected with MFEM, CISO have maintained an access point on the MFEM website. The Pacific Community (SPC) offers CISO technical expertise and support, and this is a great way to stay connected to the world hub.

While also aligning with the upskilling of Cook Islanders, with the launch of the new website CISO staff have completed the necessary training to locally maintain and improve the website to suit their users. Additionally, page tracking and monitoring is also implemented to better address current data needs.

We would also like to thank SPC’s Thomas Tilak for working tirelessly with us on this project.

The website can be accessed at https://stats.gov.ck/ or go to www.mfem.gov.ck and select the Statistics tab.

Media enquiries

Please contact the Statistics Office at [email protected] or call 29511.

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