International Merchandised Trade Statistics

International Merchandised Trade Statistics –  2024 December

The balance of trade deficit for the month of December 2024 was $26.0 million.
 Total exports for the month of December 2024 was $66 thousand.
 Total imports for the month of December 2024 was $26.0 million.
 Total revenue generated from imports for the month of December 2024 was $4.3 million.

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    More Information about International Merchandised Trade Statistics.

    The International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) provides statistical information on the importing and exporting of merchandise goods between Cook Islands and other countries.  Merchandise trade includes goods which add to or subtract from the material resources in Cook Islands as a result of their movement in or out of the country. The term “international merchandise trade statistics” refers to either foreign or external merchandise trade statistics as compiled by countries consolidated and standardized country data sets that are maintained by the international or regional agencies.  For the purpose of presenting publications, the term “trade statistics” will be used to refer to international, foreign or external merchandise trade statistics.

    Data is obtained from export and import entry documents lodged by importers and exporters with the Cook Islands Customs Service.

    These are compiled according to the United Nations International Merchandise Trade Statistics Compilers Manual (IMTS 2010 – CM).

    Trade statistics are compiled to serve the needs of many users, including Governments; the business community; compilers of other economic statistics, such as balance of payments (BoP) and, national accounts; various regional, supranational and international organizations; researchers; and, the public at large. Different users need different data, ranging from data sets by country and commodity at varying levels of details to aggregated figures.

    Further information on International Merchandise Trade Statistics, can be obtained from Statistics Office.

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