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2021 Census of Population and Dwellings

2021 Census of Population and Dwellings

2021 Census of Population and DwellingsThe Census of Population and Dwellings is a five yearly stock take of people in the Cook Islands and their housing. It is the primary source of information on the size, composition, distribution, economic activities and state of...

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Labour Force Survey

Labour Force Survey

The Labour Force Survey report provides an analysis of the characteristics of the economic activity and labour force of the Cook Islands

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2016 Census of Population and Dwellings

2016 Census of Population and Dwellings

2016 Census of Population and Dwellings The Census of Population and Dwellings is a five yearly stock take of people in the Cook Islands and their housing. It is the primary source of information on the size, composition, distribution, economic activities and...

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Cook Islands Gender Profile 2012

Cook Islands Gender Profile 2012

This is the first profile of women and men and their status in our society that has been systematically collected, compiled, processed and analysed by the Cook Islands Government This type of report will become a regular output of the National Statistical System in the future as training and capacity building initiatives are implemented in the national statistical system and with Non-Government Organisation implementing partners.

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2011 Census of Population and Dwellings

2011 Census of Population and Dwellings

2011 Census of Population and DwellingsThe Census of Population and Dwellings is a five yearly stock take of people in the Cook Islands and their housing. It is the primary source of information on the size, composition, distribution, economic activities and state of...

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Cook Islands Household Expenditure Survey 2005-06 (HES)

Cook Islands Household Expenditure Survey 2005-06 (HES)

Sample surveys, such as the Household Expenditure Survey (HES), are conducted at irregular intervals due to high costs involved, thus securing funds for such activity is often difficult. The most recent HES was conducted in 2005-06. The 2005-06 HES was...

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