Kia Orana, Turou Aere Mai



September quarter 2024

GDP per capita


NZD, 2023



November 2024

Price Index

+ 0.7%

Rate, September 2024

Latest News


Cook Islands Strategy for the Development of Statistics (CSDS) 2015 -2025

The Cook Islands Strategy for the Development of Statistics (CSDS) process is meant to offer a means for developing statistical capacity across the country’s entire National Statistical System.

Release Calendar

The release dates presented are target dates of when the reports will be available to the public. However, these reports may be released prior to the dates stated.


We compile and produce statistics in accordance with international standards and classifications. These enable us to arrange and organize information meaningfully and systematically, often in extensive and structured sets of categories.

Statistic Releases

Cook Islands Statistics Highlights

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The Census of Population and Dwellings is a five yearly stock take of people in the Cook Islands and their housing.

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Household Income and Expenditure Surveys (HIES) are designed to show the spending, income and living conditions of households.

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The Labour Force Survey report 2019 provides an analysis of the economic activity and labour force of the Cook Islands just prior to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic.

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Data Tools

Pacific Data Hub

This dashboard is the regional platform for sharing progress and relevant information on Pacific island maritime boundaries and zones. 

Cook Islands PopGIS

There is a vast array of data provided with this mapping tool, at a range of geographical levels from Enumeration Areas up to Group of  Islands.

Our Regional Partners

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