Key Facts:
Population Estimates
- Total Population: Estimated at 25,200, up 2.9% from June 2024 (24,500).
- Resident Population: Estimated at 17,300, down 0.6% from June 2024 (17,400).
Births - 40 registered births (20 males, 20 females), down 27.3% from 55 in June 2024.
- Births by age group:
o 25–29 years: 13 births (highest).
o 30–34 years: 11 births.
o 20–24 years and 35–39 years: 5 births each. - Weekly average: approximately 3 births
Deaths - 38 recorded deaths, up 18.8% from 32 in June 2024.
- Weekly average: ~3 deaths.
- No infant deaths were recorded.
Crude Rates - Birth Rate: 2.3 per 1,000 population.
- Death Rate: 2.2 per 1,000 population.
Marriages - 127 marriages officiated, up 32.3% from June 2024.
- Non-residents: 92.1% of all weddings.

Annual Change
Total Population Estimate (Blue Line):
- Shows a significant decline from 2019 to 2020, followed by a steady increase from 2021 to 2024.
- The total population surpassed 25,000 in 2024, reaching its highest level within the observed period.
Resident Population Estimate (Red Line): - Exhibits relative stability compared to the total population but shows a slight decline post-2022.
- Resident population fluctuated between 16,000 and 18,000 throughout the period.
Divergence Between Total and Resident Populations: - The gap between total and resident population estimates widened significantly from 2021 onwards, likely reflecting increases in non-resident populations (e.g., tourists or temporary workers).