The transition from paper-based to computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) has been crucial for national statistical offices (NSOs) in modernizing data collection and improving efficiency. CAPI enhances data quality, reduces processing time, and cuts fieldwork costs. Since 2010, Pacific Island countries have adopted CAPI using Survey Solutions, with support and training from the Pacific Community (SPC). However, high staff turnover and capability gaps necessitate ongoing training. A 2023 SPC capacity assessment found a 65% skills gap in data collection, making further training in CAPI a top priority for NSOs, aligning with SIAP’s 2023 Training Needs Assessment findings.
The Cook Islands have adopted the software Survey Solutions over the past few years to conduct recent surveys as well as the latest Population Census in 2021. Developed and offered open-source and free of charge by the World Bank for designing, collecting and managing censuses and surveys. On the fieldwork side, Survey Solutions works with tablets running the Android operating system, replacing the traditional paper booklets.
SPC provides support and training at the national level for the conduct of surveys and censuses, as well as shared-services infrastructure in Survey Solutions.
SPC, the World Bank and United Nations Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific provided support to 13 Pacific countries and territories (including Cook Islands) in their use of computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI), for censuses and surveys in the Pacific through subregional training held in Nadi, Fiji last week.

Participants from 13 Pacific Islands with facilitators Sergiy Radyakin, Sinovia Moonie, Toga Raikoti and SPC staff.
Photographed by Ben Campion, Communications Adviser, Statistics for Development, Pacific Community (SPC) | [email protected]