Key figures for the latest Overseas Trade Statistics:
The balance of trade deficit for the month of November 2024 was $24.8 million.
Total exports for the month of November 2024 was $2.8 million.
Total imports for the month of November 2024 was $27.6 million.
Total revenue generated from imports for the month of November 2024 was $4.8 million.

Further information about this release can be obtained from the Statistics Office.
Information about Overseas Trade Statistics.
The two main data items used in the concept of international merchandise trade (IMT) are imports and exports.
Imports of goods measures the value of goods that enter the domestic territory of a country irrespective of their final destination. Exports of goods similarly measures the value of goods which leave the domestic territory of a country, irrespective of whether they have been processed in the domestic territory or not.
Imports (and exports) of services reflect the value of services provided to residents of other countries (or received by residents of the domestic territory).